Module 3

Module project 3: Dungeon crawler


  • Top-down movement
  • Tile-based level (bigger than one screen!)
  • Player character
    • Animations
    • Attack action (punch or shoot)
    • Health
  • Enemies that hurt the player
  • Optional: Health item pickups

Pick one:

  • Player defense
  • Keys that open doors
  • Enemy AI


  • Pick one:
    • Boss fight
    • A power-up that is required to clear the dungeon
    • Co-op
    • Multiple floors

MP Exercise 1. Tiles!

Pick a tile map (or two) for your game!

More available on

## Module 3 Schedule | Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | |-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| | 25.4. MA | 26.4. TI | 27.4. KE | 28.4. TO | 29.4. PE | | UC: [Tilemaps](unity-cookbook/ | P0: [Game Programming](programming/ | AI & Pathfinding | [Particle system](unity-cookbook/ | Playtesting????? | | UC: [2D animation](unity-cookbook/ | P2: [Lists and Loops](programming/ | M0: [Useful math](math/ | | Wrap-up?????? |